Digital Bullion.


Physical gold in the form of bars or ingots, usually composed of almost pure gold, is referred to as gold bullion. Depending on your needs, it can produce an E-Invoice (Extra Charge for E-Invoicing) or a regular GST bill.

This intuitive program makes it simple to prepare invoices by converting RTGS amounts into weight and current gold/silver rates.

Able to oversee all commercial transactions. WhatsApp API Integrated & a lot more.

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Physical gold in the form of bars or ingots, usually composed of almost pure gold, is referred to as gold bullion. Depending on your needs, it can produce an E-Invoice (Extra Charge for E-Invoicing) or a regular GST bill.

This intuitive program makes it simple to prepare invoices by converting RTGS amounts into weight and current gold/silver rates.

Able to oversee all commercial transactions. WhatsApp API Integrated & a lot more.

  • E Invoice
  • GST bill
  • Auto Calculate Rate
  • Manage Many Branch
  • Easy Commission Calculate
  • Get Invoice in WhatsApp
  • Ornament Purchase Invoice


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